miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

"Breathing Life"

Now that my yoga practice has become a vital thing in my daily routine, like having breakfast, my whole environment has change in a significant way, the world I see now is different, and most of the time I have to blame my yoga for that.
Michael O. Snyder, has taken the connection of yoga and what surrounds us in a whole new level, blending yoga asanas with nature to show the importance of bringing the natural world to our urban lives.

The photographer uses the yogi’s breath as a metaphor to show how even the simple act of breathing is tied to our environments. 

Though these images may look like paintings, they really are photographs! Snyder used an in-camera double exposure technique to blend the images of the poses with images of the park.

The effect is stunning: a seamless integration of human and plant forms that’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

for more of his work follow this link.
thanks to 
doyouyoga.com for the pictures

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015


Desde que Mr. Velez me propuso matrimonio, han ocurrido una cantidad inimaginable de cosas que no pensé que me fueran a pasar como futura novia.

Desde que tengo 10 años ( o hasta menos)llevo planeando mi boda. Me he imaginado yo caminando hacia el altar, con un vestido blanco y largo que va deslisandose detrás mío. También me imaginaba un salón lleno de gente celebrando conmigo un día tan feliz, y entonces pensaba que todo lo tenía solucionado. (ja-ja)

Y aunque mi cuenta regresiva todavía es larga, estos meses han sido un sube y baja de ideas, entre lugares, colores, invitados y un millón de cosas mas. Por eso voy a tomar mi blog como un medio de exploración, y mientras lentamente voy decidiendo los pequeños detalles, voy a estar compartiendo muchas ideas, que posiblemente le puede servir a novias como yo que aunque creían que todo lo tenían resuelto, les falta mucha tela por cortar.

Esta semana me imaginé un matrimonio organizado por el gran Gatsby y de novia Blair Waldorf

gracias a Pinterest por las imagenes, pudes seguir mis boards aquí para mas inspiración 

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Cozy in Black and White - inspiration

Finally after a lot of searching and going from place to place looking for the right one, Mr. Velez and I have found a wonderful 1BR apartment very close to NY. 

Now we are looking into how to make it our own. For me things like space and light is a must, and quality over quantity is another thing to keep in mind. For our bedroom we look into coziness in different shades of black and white.

Here is my inspiration. Soon I'll show how it came up in our room.

Thanks to Pinterest for the pictures... for more go to my Home board HERE
& for random daily inspiration go HERE

lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

Resort 2016

From Seoul to the lower Manhattan, designers, fashion journalist and style influencers have flown around the globe in the past few weeks looking at the Resort collection from some of the most eccentric,creative, passionated and talented humans on earth. 

Me on the other side, sitting in front of my Mac, having a nice cup of coffee and looking at my amazing view of Manhattan, decided to pick my favorite looks from the Resort 2016 collections.

I ended up making my perfect wardrobe, including colorful dresses and structured light jackets. Good thing that day dreaming is still possible.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

The non-diamond kind of girl

For some girls, having a shiny diamond ring is something expected after getting engaged, but I know a lot of girls that are not a diamond type of girl, which is expected in a world where we are destined to be beautifully different in any way possible, and that is what this post is about, an inspiration board for a bride to be (or any girl) who are looking for something that goes further than a shiny diamond ring.

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